
Heroku Integration

Here are the APIs you can use to send your deployment data if you have Heroku integrated with your system. Once integrated, you will be able to view your deployment data.

Note: Please contact us at hello@typoapp.io for the custom webhook URL associated with your account.

When the deployment process is started:

URL : https://webhook.typoapp.io/api/v1/webhook/xxxx/deployment/start

Method: POST
Authorization: 4b4be7e0-0735-4bdf-xxxxx
Request Body we need (in JSON format): 
Repo Name
Deployment ID
Deployment Name

When the deployment process is completed:

URL : https://webhook.typoapp.io/api/v1/webhook/xxxx/deployment/end

Method: POST
Authorization: 4b4be7e0-0735-4bdf-xxxxx
Request Body we need (in JSON format): 
Repo Name
Deployment ID
Deployment Name
Status(success, failed)

Once integrated, please send us a confirmation & we will complete the configuration at our end. After completion, you will have all your deployment data in your dashboard now.

Last updated