Development & Releases
Development & Releases score refers to creating and deploying software solutions or updates, emphasizing collaboration, streamlined workflows, and reliable deployment to enhance the developer experience.
Development & Releases covers the following sub-focus areas-
Tools & Technology
Providing developers with the necessary software tools, frameworks, and technologies to facilitate their work in creating and deploying software solutions
Code Reviews
Evaluating code changes for quality, adherence to standards, and identifying issues to enhance software quality and promote collaboration among developers.
Code Health
Involves activities like code refactoring, performance optimization, and enforcing best practices to ensure code quality, maintainability, and efficiency, thereby enhancing the developer experience and software longevity.
Frictionless Releases
Streamlining software deployment through automation, standardized procedures, and effective coordination, reducing errors and delays for a seamless and efficient process that enhances the developer experience.
Typo bases this calculation on developers' responses to questions about development & releases such as "How well does your team address the issues identified during code reviews?", "How frequently do you experience smooth releases without bottlenecks?". Note - Each survey comprises unique questions and does not repeat any questions from previous surveys.
Note - Each survey comprises unique questions and does not repeat any questions from previous surveys.
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