
Here you can manage all the notifications sent by typo to you. You can manage the notification channel as:

  • Email

  • Slack

Next, you can manage the notification type and the channel where you would like to receive them. If you turn all the notifications off then you will still be able to see them on your dashboard.

Dev Analytics Notification

The Dev Analytics notification types are as follows:

  • Pull request workflow Notifications are sent to contributors when a Pull Request is raised for approval and/or merged

  • Burnout

    Notifications are sent to respective Managers whenever a developer of their teams is flagged in a burnout zone

  • Daily PR Summary

    A daily digest of all open, pending & to be merged PRs

  • Weekly PR Summary

    A weekly digest of all open, pending & to be merged PRs

  • Weekly Team Insights

    A weekly digest of changes in key metrics like Cycle Time, Deployment Frequency etc.

Code Health Notification

The Dev Analytics notification types are as follows:

  • Git comments Comments for code issues & coverage analysis posted against each Pull Request

  • Git status Status for code issues & coverage analysis posted against each Pull Request

  • Pull Request Summary

    Detailed AI summary of each Pull Request posted as a Git comment

Last updated